» Instructions to Authors for Submitting Manuscripts for Publication Consideration and Review (The Japanese Journal of Rural Economics)

Instructions to Authors for Submitting Manuscripts for Publication Consideration and Review (The Japanese Journal of Rural Economics)

【Last revised on】
Eligibility for submission. In principle, members of Agricultural Economics Society of Japan can submit manuscripts to this journal. Non-members of the Society can submit manuscripts if they pay the publication charge when the manuscript is accepted for publication. The publication charge is \8,500 per article or \4,250 if the (first) author is a student.
Academic papers only. Manuscripts are limited only to academic papers.
Text preparation. Double-space all materials, including footnotes, tables, and references, on A4 size white paper with 2.5 cm margins (30 lines per page with up to 80 letters per line). The manuscript must be within 30 pages altogether. In addition, the English of the manuscript should be checked by a native speaker or by a person whose English ability is as good as a native speaker.
Submission of manuscripts. Send the PDF file of your manuscript to: agri-eco@capj.or.jp
Do not forget to follow the Information Sheet for Submission which is downloadable and must also be changed to a PDF form after you fill it up. If you cannot send your manuscript through the e-mail, explain why. You may be allowed to ship it through the surface mail. In this case, you should send four fully eligible copies to the address below:
Editorial Office, The Japanese Journal of Rural Economics, c/oCenter for Academic Publications Japan, 2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0032 Japan
Author’s identification. To protect their anonymity in the review process, authors should not identify themselves in the manuscript. Attach a separate page that includes the name(s) of the author(s) and appropriate biographical information, as well as the title of the manuscript. Include only the title on the first page of the text.
Abstract and keywords. Attach a separate page which includes an abstract with 150 words or so together with five keywords.
Tables. Place each table on a separate page; double-space all material including the title; omit vertical lines.
Figures. Each figure should be placed on a separate page, and each must have a title.
Headings. Numbering of headings in the text is as follows: Sections are numbered as 1., 2., 3., etc.; subsections are numbered as 1), 2), 3), etc.
Units. % for percent, kg for kilograms, ha for hectares can be used. Numbers should be expressed following the international standards: $1,000,000 = $ 1 million (or $ 1 mil.), 1,000,000,000 tons = 1 billion tons (or 1 bil. tons), etc.
Footnotes. Number footnotes consecutively throughout the paper. The numbers should appear at the right shoulder of a word with one-sided parenthesis, e.g., 1), 2), 3), etc. Footnotes should be located at the bottom on the same page that the footnotes appear and should be written double-spaced.
References and citations. Place “References” at the end of the paper and the references should be in alphabetical order by authors’ family names as shown below. Only cited works should be included in the reference list. An example of references and the procedures of citations are given at the end of this manual.

Acceptance for publication. Acceptance of manuscripts for publication is decided by the editorial office of the journal.
Offprints. Twenty offprints will be supplied free of charge to the authors whose manuscripts were accepted for publication. Additional offprints can be ordered on an offprint order form, which is included with the proof.
Proofreading. The author is asked to check the galley proofs for typographical errors and to answer queries from the copy editor. The author is allowed to read the proofs only once.
①Revisions of this manual cannot be made without permission from the board of directors of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan.
②This rule first came into effect on January 1st, 1998 and the section 1 of this rule was revised on April 2nd, 2003.
③Small changes were made on “Footnotes” on March 1st, 2000.
④Some revisions, August 13, 2013
Chambers, R.G. (1988) Applied Production Analysis: A Dual Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Evenson, R.E. (1984) “Technical Change in U.S. Agriculture,” in Nelson, R. ed., Government and Technical Change: A Cross Industry Analysis. New York: Pergamon Press.
Ito, J. (1994) Nogyo Toshi no Shuekisei to Toshi-Kettei (Returns to and Decisions of Agricultural Investments). Tokyo: Norin Tokei Kyoukai.
Kato, T. (1979) “Inasaku no Gijutsu-Shinpo no Seikaku no Keisoku (Estimation of the Characteristics of Technical Progress in Rice Production in Japan),” Noringyo Mondai Kenkyu (Economic Review of Agriculture and Forestry), 15, 18-25.
Panzer, J.C. and Willig, R.D. (1977a) “Free Entry and the Sustainability of Natural Monopoly,” Bell Journal of Economics, 8, 1-22.
Panzer, J.C. and Willig, R.D. (1977b) “Economies of Scale in Multi-Output Production,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 91, 481-493.
Thirtle, C. and Bottomley, P. (1992) “Total Factor Productivity in UK Agriculture, 1967-90,” Journal of Agricultural Economics, 43, 381-400.

All citations should appear in the text and contain the name(s) of the author(s) followed by the year published, such as Kato (1979), Thirtle and Bottomley (1992), Panzer and Willig (1977a, p.488), etc. Use “et al.” only for an article with four or more authors. Do not use “et al.” in the Reference section, however.

address is Office of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan
C/o Kyouritsu
F2 Shin Kyouritsu Building
2-22-4 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo 104-0033

Tel 03-3551-9896

FAX 03-3553-2047

Email office@aesjapan.

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You can see the Japanese site from here.

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